Master of Biomedical Sciences

The Ministry of Education (MOE) approved two-year Graduate Program which is open to both male and female students, Saudi and non-Saudi, allows students to choose to join one of six tracks. All tracks are Thesis Option.


MBS 501: Topics in Integrated & Systems Biology

This course is designed to allow students to study the fundamental principles of biomedical sciences and how the different organs or biological systems work together in an integrated fashion to attain “homeostasis”.

MBS 502: Methods in Molecular & Cellular Biology

This course is designed to allow students to develop skills in basic cellular and molecular biology techniques. These objectives will be covered both in a formal lecture setting where students apply their theoretical knowledge to practice the techniques in the laboratory.

MBS 503: Signal Transduction I

This course is designed to allow students to develop an understanding of the major signal transduction pathways and how such pathways can influence metabolism as well as gene expression.

MBS 505: Advanced Biochemistry

The course aims to provide an advanced understanding of the core principles and topics of Biochemistry including, nutrients and nutrient sensing systems, cell cycle regulation and oncogene function in cancer, protein structure and function, enzymology, electrolytes and acid – base imbalance, major metabolic pathways, with an emphasis on metabolic interrelationships.

MBS 506: Human Gross Anatomy

This course is a study of human anatomy and imaging for MSc Clinical Anatomy. The course consists of dissection and tutorials in gross anatomy. Students should expect to spend at least 6 hours/wk in the lab and 2-4 hr/wk in tutorials. By the end of this course the student will be able to:


  • Describe the normal gross anatomy of all the major body regions and systems according to their identification on cadavers, functional explanations and clinical relevance.
  • Apply their anatomical knowledge to develop a diagnostic reasoning approach to basic clinical and pathological scenarios.
  • Create a virtual patient case study by integrating cadaveric findings with independent research.
  • Develop stronger problem-solving, communication and collaboration skills through classroom discussions, group work and verbal assessments.


MBS 507: Clinical Embryology

This course is a study of human clinical embryology for MSc Clinical Anatomy. The course consists of Lectures and tutorials in embryology.

Course Objectives:

  • Describe the embryology of all the major body regions and systems and relate it to common type of congenital abnormalities.
  • Apply their anatomical knowledge to develop a diagnostic reasoning approach to basic clinical and pathological scenarios.
  • Develop stronger problem-solving, communication and collaboration skills through classroom discussions, group work and verbal assessments.


MBS 508: Human Neuroanatomy

The purpose of this course is to provide a general introduction to the structure and function of the human nervous system. Lectures will provide an overview of the anatomy, interconnections, and function(s) of specific regions/structures of the human nervous system. The laboratories offer a hands-on opportunity to identify the major landmarks of the brain and better understand the three-dimensional architecture of the brain, spinal cord and Head Neck region. Collectively, the lectures and laboratories will provide the anatomical and functional foundation necessary to understand disorders of the nervous system. A variety of disorders affecting the nervous system, such as stroke, schizophrenia, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease, will be discussed in terms of clinical signs/prognosis and cause/pathology. In addition, clinical issues will be examined using case studies. Each student will be assigned a case study to independently investigate and present to the class using basic and clinical primary research sources.

MBS 509: Histology and Cell biology

This course is a detailed study of the microscopic structure of cells, tissues and organs, with emphasis on man and on animals used in biomedical research. In this course relationship of structure to function are stressed. This course is a survey course of mammalian histology with emphasis on clinical applications relevant to healthcare professionals. The course expects and highly encourages student participation and uses tutorial-style microscopic exploration of histologically sectioned material and demonstrations.

MBS 521: Reproductive Biology and Embryology

Reproductive Biology and Embryology course provides students with comprehensive understanding of human reproductive biology. It is designed to offer students required knowledge to pursue assisted reproductive technology and/or a reproductive biology research career.

MBS 522: Introduction to Assisted Reproduction

Introduction to Assisted Reproduction course provides students with basic understanding of human assisted reproduction and clinical embryology. It is designed to offer students required knowledge and practical skills to pursue assisted reproductive technology and clinical embryology.

MBS 523: Infertility and Reproductive Medicine

The Infertility and Reproductive Medicine course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of infertility from a clinical perspective. It is designed to offer students required knowledge to pursue assisted reproductive technology and/or a reproductive biology research career.

MBS 524: Semen Analysis and Processing/Andrology

Semen analysis and processing/Andrology course provides students with necessary theoretical and practical aspects of examination and processing of human semen. It is designed to offer students to understand to most recent WHO recommendation on the standardization of semen analysis and processing.

MBS 525: Advanced Assisted Reproduction

The Advanced Assisted Reproduction course provides students with practical part of human assisted reproduction and clinical embryology. It is designed to offer students required knowledge and practical skills to pursue assisted reproductive technology and clinical embryology.

MBS 527: Practical Molecular Biology

Practical Molecular Biology course introduces students to basic experimental techniques and procedures widely used in molecular biology research and clinical genetic analysis.

MBS 531: Basics of Microbiology

The course will encompass the study of the general characteristics of microorganisms, the processes by which these microorganisms cause human disease and how these pathogens are identified in the diagnostic laboratory. The classification and mechanism of action of major groups of antibiotics as well as methodologies for antibiotic susceptibility testing will also be covered. The development of antibiotic resistance and associated concerns will be discussed and related to the global situation. This course will also encompass the study of infectious diseases in the healthcare setting with reference to healthcare associated infections (HCAI). The challenges of emerging and re-emerging infections in the clinical setting will also be addressed.

MBS 532: Fundamentals of Epidemiology and Surveillance

This course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts in epidemiology and surveillance as it applies to institutional infection control. The uses of epidemiological data in clinical decision-making for infection control programs will be addressed. This course explores the contemporary principles of the science and practice of surveillance and monitoring and outbreak management it applies to institutional infection control. The design of surveillance systems, collection, compilation and interpretation of surveillance data will be covered

MBS 533: Infection Control Program Design & Management

The course explores the role of the infection control practitioner, systems of clinical governance, infection control framework and management plans, and performance indicators for infection prevention and control. Students develop skills in the management and coordination of infection control programs, with a particular emphasis on prevention. The students will also develop the skills needed to assess needs, develop goals and measurable objectives, and prepare lesson plans for educational offerings.

MBS 534: Environmental Management

The course is designed to help students to develop a clear understanding of the importance of various cleaning, sterilization and disinfection processes as essential elements of an infection control program. The indications, approaches, equipment and agents utilized for cleaning, sterilization and disinfection processes in the healthcare setting will be discussed. The criteria for selecting and monitoring the usefulness of the agents, equipment and monitoring approaches used for sterilization & disinfection will be covered.

MBS 535: Patient Care Processes & Evidence Based Infection Control Practices

The course is designed bring together all the concepts learnt in the previous courses and enable students apply these concepts in various scenarios in the health care setting. This course sets the stage for the more intensive hands-on experience that students will be engaged in during the second year of the course.

MBS 536: Competencies in Infection Control

This is a practical course during which students will be mentored by experienced infection prevention and control professionals in assigned hospital units. Students will observe and perform a pre-determined number of procedures under the supervision of the mentor.

MBS 541: Analytical Biotechnology

This course focuses on enhancement technology development by promoting cross-disciplinary approaches directed toward solving key problems in biology and medicine. The purpose is to support and teach the fundamental principles and practical uses of major instrumental techniques. Techniques related to HPLC, capillary electrophoresis, gel electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry will be covered in the course. Fundamentals in analytical biotechnology include basic and practical aspects of characterizing and analyzing DNA, proteins, and small metabolites.

MBS 542: Techniques of Biotechnology

This course focuses on the fundamentals of DNA tools biotechnology, molecular genetics biotechnology, DNA isolation, manipulation and amplification techniques, restriction enzymes, microarrays and biochips, DNA sequencing, genetic engineering and biotechnology, biotechnology revolution, gene therapy, gene doping and beyond.

MBS 554: Transfusion Medicine and Blood Banking

This course is a comprehensive investigation into the theoretical and practical basis involving the selection and processing of donated blood. It offers a thorough understanding of the physiological, pathological and practical aspects of blood storage and transport. The course covers the principles and practical aspects of blood collection, testing, and blood component preparation and storage. It also gives an in-depth knowledge of the blood group antigens and transfusion therapy. It covers the principle of laboratory techniques used in transfusion medicine laboratories. It includes practical experience in problem-solving of patient /donor typing problems and identifying antibodies to blood group antigens.

MBS 555: Molecular Diagnostics in Blood Transfusion

This course combines emerging modern laboratory diagnostic techniques and their application to blood groups typing and detection of blood pathogens. Topics include discussion of principles of Sanger sequencing, next generation sequencing, Nanopore sequencing technology and other third generation sequencing technologies. The course will discuss principles of nucleic acid testing (NAT) molecular technique for screening blood donations for pathogens such as HIV, HCV and HBV.

MBS 556: Stem Cell Transplantation Technology

An in-depth look is provided at the immune system and its relation to stem cell and cord blood transplantation. A formal study is offered of the aspects of histocompatibility, in relation to stem cell transplantation and platelet transfusion. Histocompatibility antigens and nomenclature is discussed. The course will also cover the selection of matching donors/cord blood unit for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), related and unrelated donors, haploidentical donors, techniques used for HLA typing, anti-HLA antibody, and chimerism.

MBS 557: Pathogenesis of Blood Disorders

This course offers an advanced study in the pathological mechanisms underlying red blood disorders, including anemias, hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn, autoimmune hemolytic anemias, drug-dependent hemolytic anemias and other blood disorders requiring regular blood transfusion and component therapy.

MBS 558: Quality Management and Laboratory Accreditation

Blood banking and transfusion medicine encompass many areas from donor recruitment and selection, blood collection laboratory practices and use of blood components and products. Hemovigilance is closely linked to all these and strict regulations and quality management is needed. This course will cover definitions of quality systems, emphasizing the importance of total quality management and quality elements. The graduates are intended to demonstrate proficiency in maintaining the quality of blood components and transfusion services as per international and local standards. Overview of proper use of instrumentation and computerization in transfusion services will be included.

MBS 560: Method Comparison & Validation

The aim of this course is to familiarize students to the methods to verify the quality of diagnostics kits in a clinical laboratory. Validation procedures, measuring total allowable error and steps to introduce new tests will be presented. Topics covered will include compliance with proficiency testing requirements (CAP, AABB, CBAHI and ISO), determination and validation of tests reference ranges, cut-off points and quantitative and qualitative methods evaluation.

MBS 561: Basics and molecular genetics of coagulation system

This course is a comprehensive investigation into the theoretical basis of coagulation system. It offers a thorough understanding of the physiological, pathological and molecular genetics of coagulation factors and different proteins involved in hemostasis, thrombosis and fibrinolysis. It also gives an in-depth knowledge of the interaction between these proteins to maintain the homeostasis and patency of blood vessels and prevent bleeding and thrombosis.  It covers the principle of the genetics and the causes of inherited bleeding and thrombophilia.  

MBS 562: Pathophysiology and aetiology of bleeding and thrombosis

The course will discuss the biological mechanism(s) underlying acquired and genetic risk factors for VTE that express disease phenotypes (obesity, spontaneous thrombosis) or that lack genes key to the mechanistic pathways of interest. Expose the student to relevant biochemical and molecular technologies for the diagnosis of different thrombosis and thrombophilia. This course combines emerging modern laboratory diagnostic techniques and its application to the management of venous thromboembolic events. It will also provide an in-depth look at the pathophysiology and treatment of inherited and acquired bleeding disorders, with a special focus on von Willebrand disease and haemophilia and exposure to rare bleeding disorders. Also there will be exposure to different anticoagulation drugs and the methods of monitoring patients on these therapies. There will be a practical part of this course where the students will be involved in testing patients with thrombosis and thrombophilia with possible attendance of a clinic to expose to clinical management of patients with thrombosis

MBS 563: Practical Hemostasis

This is a course with major focus on basic and advanced laboratory methods in the diagnosis of hemostatic and thombotic disorders. The methods range from biochemical to molecular genetic studies. Topics include discussion of different coagulation tests, principles of Sanger sequencing, next generation sequencing, Nanopore sequencing technology and other third generation sequencing technologies. The students will practice different specialised coagulation tests for diagnosis and monitoring of various factor deficiencies and estimation of the level post treatment with factor concentrate. The student will have a chance to attend the haemophilia and bleeding clinics.

MBS 600: Thesis A

Students completing a Thesis Option master’s degree are expected to write a report, referred to as a thesis, on the results of an original investigation, in conjunction with a Master’s Advisory Committee. Length and style of the thesis vary by college/department. All these are filed with the Office of Graduate Studies. A Master’s Advisory Committee will be formed for each student. The Chair of the Committee must have research and graduate student advising experience. This Committee will assist the student in the formulation of the Thesis Proposal, and later advise the student in the execution of the research, the Thesis write-up, and help the student to prepare for the oral defense.

MBS 600: Thesis B

Students completing a Thesis Option master’s degree are expected to write a report, referred to as a thesis, on the results of an original investigation, in conjunction with a Master’s Advisory Committee. Length and style of the thesis vary by college/department. All these are filed with the Office of Graduate Studies. A Master’s Advisory Committee will be formed for each student. The Chair of the Committee must have research and graduate student advising experience. This Committee will assist the student in the formulation of the Thesis Proposal, and later advise the student in the execution of the research, the Thesis write-up, and help the student to prepare for the oral defense.

REC 502: Biostatistics

This course is designed to review the fundamental principles of probability and statistics. This will be covered both in a formal lecture setting, self-directed learning setting with tutorials, and during the statistical analysis lab. This course will give students direct practice in the statistical reasoning skills needed to choose appropriate procedures for analyzing research data and to better understand the design, conduct, and analysis and subsequently interpret the results of biomedical research studies with examples of applications in biomedical sciences, radiological & imaging sciences, and epidemiology & public health.

REC 503: Research Methodologies

This course is designed to understand fundamentals of research, characteristics of research, research designs, methods of sampling, data collection, processing and analysis, ethical considerations and use of literature review, sources of information and organization of information.

REC 504: Biomedical Ethics

This course is designed to introduce students to the basic principles and methods of analysis from ethical theories applicable to contemporary moral problems in biomedical research and professional practice. This includes evaluation of scientific misconduct in relation to international standards of research through case studies with examples from international settings.