Student’s enrolment in a graduate program will be terminated by a decision of the GS in the following cases:
- If accepted in the program and did not register during regular registration period.
- If failed to pass supplementary courses in accordance with the required conditions
The respective College Graduate Office may stipulate that students applying for a master program ought to complete several supplementary courses from the previous level. The time limit allotted to such courses should not exceed two semesters.
The following conditions should also be considered:
- A student should pass each supplementary course at first sitting with a minimum grade of “Good.”
- The cumulative grade average of total number of supplementary courses should be a minimum of “Very Good.”
- Registration in the graduate program becomes possible after proper completion of supplementary courses; College Graduate Offices may permit registration in some graduate courses hand in hand with one or two of the supplementary courses towards the end of this preliminary stage.
- Time spent in supplementary courses is not counted within the time limit for obtaining the degree.
- The grades of the supplementary courses are not included in the computation of the cumulative grade average of the graduate courses.)
- If dropping courses for a whole semester or withdrawing from the program without an acceptable excuse.
- If proving not to be serious in study or neglecting academic obligations as stated in Item 5.4.2 of this document.
- If cumulative average drops below “Very Good” in two consecutive semesters.
- If using up all permissible postponement periods, identified in Item 5.3 without completing the degree.
- If breaching ethics during course work or thesis writing, or breaking university rules or regulations.
- If the thesis examination committee finds it not discussable before or unacceptable after the defense.
- If not obtaining the degree within maximum time limit specified in the following:
- The duration for obtaining a master’s degree is a minimum of four semesters and a maximum of eight; summer sessions are not counted within this period