There are generally two reasons a graduate student may be dismissed: for disciplinary reasons due to violations of the Code of Student Conduct, and for academic deficiencies. The former is determined by the Dean/Vice Dean of Student Affairs and with the concurrence of the VP of Research & Graduate Studies. Dismissal for academic reasons is entirely under the purview of the VP of Research & Graduate Studies.
4.3.1 Academic Dismissal
A student is subject to academic dismissal for the following reasons:
- the student’s academic deficiencies as determined by Student Affairs/ College Graduate Office and the GS were not corrected after a reasonable, established period of probation, or
- the student failed to meet the necessary clinical standards in a professional program.
4.3.2 When a Student is dismissed
After the student’s record and the Student Affairs/ respective college Dean’s recommendations, if applicable, are reviewed by the GS, the VP of RG approves a dismissal letter to be sent by Student Affairs to the student and so informs the college. The Student Affairs Office blocks the student from further registration. Students are ineligible to apply for readmission to the program from which they have been academically dismissed. However, the students are not excluded from applying to another academic program; this program has the right to review the student’s academic records to inform its decision on whether to admit the student.