The graduate experience at Alfaisal University and the work of the Graduate School (GS) are dependent upon the efforts of the Research, Innovation & Graduate Council (RGC), College Graduate Offices, and the Student Affairs Office.
1.2.1 Research, Innovation & Graduate Council
The Research, Innovation & Graduate Council (RGC), which is chaired by the Vice President for Research & Graduate Studies, is responsible for safeguarding the excellence of graduate education. The Council is the administrative arm of the Graduate School and is empowered on its behalf to enforce its regulations and policies. The Council membership will consist of the College Vice Deans for Research & Graduate Studies, the Director of the Graduate School, and the Director of Research & Innovation. The duties and functions of the RGC consist of the following:
- Sets the policies and standards for graduate admission, and degrees in coordination with the Colleges and Student Affairs Office.
- Reviews established degree programs and responds to issues referred to it by the Vice President, the Provost’s Office, and the Deans
- Recommend internal regulations, in coordination with academic departments and Student Affairs, for the organization of graduate studies.
- Recommend graduate courses for approval, amendment, and modification, extending to programs as well.
- Endorse titles of graduate degrees in both Arabic and English on recommendation of colleges’ councils.
- Recommend awarding of graduate certificates in the case of thesis option programs.
- Decide on all matters related to graduate students in the university with Student Affairs.
- Set the general framework for research plans, rules for theses writing, format for their production and templates of theses exam reports.
- Examine periodic reports submitted by the departments of the university.
- Study matters forwarded to it for consultation by the University Council, the Council of Deans or Provost Office and offer suggestions and advice.
1.2.2 Role of College Graduate Offices
- Reviews new graduate programs before submission to RGC
- Responsible for setting up Thesis Advisory Committees for graduate students
- In charge of thesis defenses