Master of Science in Applied Health Research

The Master of Science in Applied Health Research (MAR) at the College of Medicine will provide scientists and clinicians with training in biomedical statistical methodology. Advanced statistical techniques will be combined with practical lab-based training. The R statistical language will be used for programming and analyses, conveniently taught through RStudio and Jamovi. This Master program is aimed at creating frontline researchers in Health Science.


MAR 501: Advanced Clinical Statistics

This course will introduce more advanced statistical methodology. There will be an emphasis on hands-on learning of key statistical methodologies relevant to medical research. Students will use jamovi statistical software and then learn the advanced statistical programming language R using RStudio.  The course aims to give students an increased skill set of biostatistical methods that are of particular relevance to medical research.

MAR 502: Clinical Trials

This course will focus on the research design and statistical methodology used in clinical trials. The course aims to give students a working knowledge of clinical trials to allow them to design them and analyses their data.

MAR 503: Clinical Data Management

This course will introduce students to issues involved in the management of clinical data. Students will learn the importance of data management in a research setting, involving important issues of data quality and storage.

MAR 504: Real Data Analysis

This course to strengthen and build on previous courses, students will analyse real data from actual studies. It may provide an opportunity for students to meet researchers and discuss the statistical aspects of a research study. On completion of this course students will be able to 1)Analyse some real medical research data obtained from an active research group in Riyadh 2)Advise medical researchers on study design and sample size estimates 3)Communicate with the researchers regarding analysis of the data 4) present a report on their experience and their final analysis conclusions.

MAR 505: Qualitative Research Methods

This course will introduce students to non-numerical approaches known as qualitative statistical methodology. The students will be familiar with the various different qualitative methodologies and know how to apply them depending on the contexts and research goals. On completion of this course students will be able to 1) Describe the scope of qualitative methods 2) Describe different research paradigms 3) Carry out data collection and analysis 4) Describe coding of data 5) Discuss the mixed-methods approach 6) Communicate clearly results from qualitative research 7) Describe qualitative research reported in the literature.


MAR 506: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

This course will introduce students to the methods of reviewing and analyzing published data.

Students will know how to extract data/statistics from published research to perform meta-analyses and undertake a systematic review.


MAR 600 A: Thesis A

Master’s degree students expected to write a report, referred to as a thesis, on the results of an original investigation, in conjunction with a Master’s Advisory Committee. Length and style of the thesis vary by college/department. All these are filed with the Office of Graduate Studies. A Master’s Advisory Committee will be formed for each student and will consist of three members; an Alfaisal faculty member as the Major Advisor and Chair, and two other members, one of whom may be from an organization outside of the University. The Chair of the Committee must have research and graduate student advising experience. This Committee will assist the student in the formulation of the Thesis Project Proposal, and later advise the student in the execution of the research project, the Thesis write-up, and help the student to prepare for the oral defense

MAR 600 B: Thesis B

Master’s degree students expected to write a report, referred to as a thesis, on the results of an original investigation, in conjunction with a Master’s Advisory Committee. Length and style of the thesis vary by college/department. All these are filed with the Office of Graduate Studies. A Master’s Advisory Committee will be formed for each student and will consist of three members; an Alfaisal faculty member as the Major Advisor and Chair, and two other members, one of whom may be from an organization outside of the University. The Chair of the Committee must have research and graduate student advising experience. This Committee will assist the student in the formulation of the Thesis Project Proposal, and later advise the student in the execution of the research project, the Thesis write-up, and help the student to prepare for the oral defense