Master of Public Health
This is a two-year program consisting of both thesis and courses-only options and was designed for working physicians, residents, fellows, public health officials, policy makers and college graduate students interested in public health. Students can design and conduct community research as well as public health research. At the end of the two-year program, students should develop a comprehensive understanding of the public health professional practice through experience with both academic specialists and experienced practitioners. Students must choose one of three possible tracks: Mass Gatherings Health (Hajj and Umrah), Biostatistics and Epidemiology, or Health Policy & Management.
MPH 502: Principles of Epidemiology
MPH 503: Environmental & Occupational Health
MPH 504: Communicable Diseases
MPH 505: Non-Communicable Diseases
MPH 506: Social & Behavioural Determinants of Health
MPH 507: Advanced Biostatistics
MPH 508: Advanced Epidemiology
MPH 509: Regression Analysis
MPH 510: Principles of Mass Gatherings Health
MPH 511: Principles of Disaster Management
MPH 512: Emerging Infections & Infectious Diseases Management
MPH 513: Health Insurance & Health Policy
MPH 514: Quality Assurance in Public Health
MPH 515: Health Care Management
MPH 516: Survival Analysis
MPH 517: Categorical Data Analysis
MPH 518: Ethics in Research
MPH 519: Public Health and Healthcare Systems in KSA
MPH 520: Health Economics
MPH 521: Health Informatics
MPH 522: Global Health
MPH 523: Research Design
MPH 524: Nutrition
MPH 525: Practicum
MPH 526: Seminar
MPH 527: Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases
MPH 600 A: Thesis A
Students completing a Thesis Option master’s degree are expected to write a report, referred to as a thesis, on the results of an original investigation, in conjunction with a Master’s Advisory Committee. Length and style of the thesis vary by college/department. All these are filed with the Office of Graduate Studies. A Master’s Advisory Committee will be formed for each student and will consist of three members; an Alfaisal faculty member as the Major Advisor and Chair, and two other members, one of whom may be from an organization outside of the University. The Chair of the Committee must have research and graduate student advising experience. This Committee will assist the student in the formulation of the Thesis Project Proposal, and later advise the student in the execution of the research project, the Thesis write-up, and help the student to prepare for the oral defense.
MPH 600 B: Thesis B
Students completing a Thesis Option master’s degree are expected to write a report, referred to as a thesis, on the results of an original investigation, in conjunction with a Master’s Advisory Committee. Length and style of the thesis vary by college/department. All these are filed with the Office of Graduate Studies. A Master’s Advisory Committee will be formed for each student and will consist of three members; an Alfaisal faculty member as the Major Advisor and Chair, and two other members, one of whom may be from an organization outside of the University. The Chair of the Committee must have research and graduate student advising experience. This Committee will assist the student in the formulation of the Thesis Project Proposal, and later advise the student in the execution of the research project, the Thesis write-up, and help the student to prepare for the oral defense.