Thesis title:
Student Name & ID#:
Program & Track (if applicable) (i.e., MBS, MPH, MEM, MRS, MNT):
Date of Defense:
Decision of Thesis Examination Committee: (please check one)
□ Passed □ Passed with Minor Revisions
□ Passed Pending Major Revisions □ Not Passed
Members of Thesis Examination Committee (signatures)
Name Chairperson
Name Major Advisor (Supervisor)
Name Member of Committee
Name Member of Committee
Name Member of Committee
At the end of the thesis defense the members will sign the Report sheet and then the Chair will submit the report to the Office of the VP for Research & Graduate Studies. The Chair may add an additional sheet with comments, if necessary.
Guidelines to Chairperson Conducting the Thesis Defense
- The Chair is non-voting and is present to ensure that proper procedures are followed during the defense.
- The initial part of the defense is open to the public including a brief question period. Thesis presentation suggested to be 15- 20 minutes followed by 5-10 minutes of questions from audience. After this the public will be asked to leave by the Chairperson
- The Thesis Examination Committee will continue asking questions for up to 30 minutes
- Candidate is then asked to leave the room by the Chair.
- Committee after deliberation decides by majority vote on one of four decisions:
- Pass
- Pass with Minor Revisions (corrections to be confirmed by the Chair)
- Pass Pending Major Revisions (corrections to be confirmed by the Advisor & the Chair)
- Not Passed
- All Thesis Examination Committee Members sign the Report Sheet Form: ORGCR01.
- The candidate is then asked to come back into the room and is informed of the decision.
- The Chair will submit the report to the Office of the VP for Research & Graduate Studies
- Chair may add a page of comments, if necessary